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Be Prepared
Know what to expect when a client is reaching out to you for work. Be prepared to answer the most important questions.
The Power of the Shrug: Get Better Reads
Tension is a sure-fire way to make your voice-over reads sound forced and fake. This simple trick will help you release that tension.
It's all about Gratitude.
If you're setting goals for your VO business in 2022, you need to remember to start from a place of gratitude.
Investing your money when you're just getting started.
Starting a business takes money. In this video, Anne advises you where you should spend your money first so that you create an optimal ROI.
6 Quick Audition Tips
Easy tips for a better business Hey everyone, going into the booth to record an audition can be a bit nerve-racking. So today I thought...
Voiceover, A Joyful Noise.
On those days when stress is high and things seem overwhelming, it's always good to remember why you got into the biz in the first place...
Passive Income in Voice Over
Voice over and money go hand in hand Hey everyone, you know sometimes in the voice-over business it rains and pours, and sometimes...
Effective Networking Strategies for Voice Actors
Networking is key Now that we are starting to be out and about and we can do some in-person networking, I really think it means a lot to...
Actionable Strategies for Social Media Branding
Often times it’s easy to forget that what you post can easily go beyond the personal. Here's how to not let it affect your brand.
Voice Acting is More than Just Reading Scripts
Scripts are only half the job Ok, so here's why it's important that you are a voice actor and not just a voice. Number one it keeps you...
Should Voice Actors Network with Each Other?
Voice actors are stronger together Having a network in a community in the voiceover industry is so helpful for your business. There are...
Freelancer Life: Are You Living the Dream?
Millions of people dream of quitting their full-time corporate job and working for themselves. And who can blame them? Many aspects of...
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