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Why you need to clearly define your audience.

Your audience can make a world of difference.

Today. I want to talk to you about understanding your audience.

So when you are voicing a script, it's very, very important for you to understand number one, who you are, but even more important sometimes as who you're talking to. Because that's going to then dictate the type of voice and the nuance of emotional tone and pacing of who it is that you're speaking to. So if I'm talking to an adult, I'm probably going to talk faster and maybe more on my base, conversational voice versus let's say a ten-year-old where I may talk a little bit more animated and I may talk a little bit slower because I want to communicate effectively with them.

When you're reading a script for your client, it's really important to know who your audience is, because it will change how you read. In this video, Anne talks about the key elements in figuring that out.

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