"I am proud of my new CORPORATE NARRATION demo and immeasurably grateful to Anne Ganguzza for her steadfast and purposeful pre-demo coaching. Anne was relentless in guiding me to the voice she knew I could find and to the techniques I could continue to develop. She would not let me slip into old habits and often reminded me that corporate narration was storytelling and not reading. Imagine the joy of discovering that my acting skills and talent are integral to my work in corporate narration and learning how to put them to use. Anne ignited in me an excitement about narration even as she pushed me toward vital self-belief. She is a superlative coach and demo producer. I will always be grateful to her." - Maria Makis
About the Producer:
Anne Ganguzza is an award-winning Director & Producer in Orange County, CA. Recipient of 2017 Voice Arts Award for Outstanding Narration Demo, Best Voiceover, Anne's demos are SOVAS-nominated across Commercial, Corporate Narration, and eLearning categories as well. Her podcast, VO Boss, has also been nominated for Outstanding Podcast.