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Don't let anxiety get the better of your performance.

How to overcome the anxiety and give the perfect read.

Today. I want to talk about performance anxiety.

Yeah, we all go through it. Performance anxiety affects us all. And there are a couple of things that you can do to reduce your performance anxiety. A lot of times when we're in our booth and we're behind the mic, it's like something overtakes us. Like we could be having the best conversation, doing a read out loud before we go into our studio to record and everything is fine and we're relaxed. And then all of a sudden. Behind that mic. And for whatever reason, we feel like we have to perform. That's part of what performance anxiety is contributing to.

It's not uncommon to have butterflies whenever you step up to the microphone to read. As long as it doesn't get in the way of your performance. There are ways to overcome anxiety, in this video Anne goes over a few of her favorites.

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