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You need to bring acting skills to the table in voice over, every time.

We are voice actors, and for every genre you must act.

Today I wanna talk to you about acting, voice acting.

I teach a lot of different genres of voiceover, commercial, all types of narration, medical narration, corporate narration, corporate training, eLearning, explainers, and all of them require acting. You might be surprised because I have a lot of my narration students that feel that narration is more of an information delivery, but I beg to differ because we are voice actors and called voice actors for a reason. So no matter what it is that we are voicing, we need to be storytellers.

No, it's not just reading scripts for money. It's not, at all. Every script, EVERY SCRIPT, has a story. It's your job as a voice actor to find it and tell it in a way that connects to your listener. Here's how.
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