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My Journey Toward Healthy Living

This took me quite some time to actually get up the courage to share, but I want to be accountable, so here goes...


I've always had a bit of a weight struggle, but now I was fighting for my life...

I have always struggled with my weight, and I have lost and gained pounds many times over. In 2012, I was probably at one of my lowest weights after a crazy low-calorie fad diet, which was going to be next to impossible to maintain. Being at that lower weight probably saved my life, as shortly thereafter, my doctor found tumors in my breasts that were cancerous. With less fatty tissue on my breasts at the time, my doctor was able to detect them with a manual exam. Thus began a fight for my health and, frankly, my life. Thankfully, after a double mastectomy and reconstruction, I was declared "cancer-free," but as many other cancer survivors will tell you, this was just the beginning of my fight - physically, and even more so, mentally.

Get those mammograms, and be vigilant about it - early detection saves lives!

Physically, I was put through a regimen of treatment and medication that would block my estrogen (my cancer was estrogen-driven) and put me into a medically induced early menopause. Lack of estrogen can cause the body to use starches and blood sugar less effectively, which increases fat storage and makes it harder to lose weight. My estrogen-blocking medication continued for six years, and during that time, my body slowly and steadily went through the hormonal changes that typically occur with breast cancer treatment and menopause. HRT was not recommended as the cancer had been estrogen-binding. I started to steadily gain back the majority of the weight that I had lost before my diagnosis. The medication also had many side effects (joint pain) that prohibited me from exercising as I had been used to.

The pandemic made healthy living so much harder

Fast forward to the pandemic. I was fortunate to be super busy at my business, but it had me sitting at the computer for 10-12 hours a day with little to no exercise. In addition to the trauma of a double mastectomy, I saw my body change shape, with both weight gain and now in the full throes of menopause. Who was this woman? I couldn't look at myself in the mirror without self-loathing. Don't get me wrong - I was very grateful to have survived, but it was hard not to feel defeated and cheated by my body. Physically, I had "survived" breast cancer, but the weight gain over the years did me no favors. I started to suffer additional physical consequences of being overweight and out of shape. Mentally, body dysmorphia and self-loathing were in full swing and, sadly, very, very real. My body was also dealing with the reconstruction. Interestingly enough, because of the tissue removal, it was not possible to gain weight in my entire chest area after reconstruction. Therefore, when the weight did pack on, it came in all the places above and below my chest. To me, this made my body look even more awkward (and to me-very unattractive) at a heavier weight. I was not only still dealing with mourning the loss of a part of my body, but I started to give up all hope that it was even possible for me to ever lose weight and feel confident again. 

Diabetes, depression, and more cancer scares...

I still see my oncologist every 4 months for checkups and get bloodwork routinely checking for tumor markers and any indicators of a possible recurrence of cancer. And after each blood test, I pray for good results. The last few visits, however, had results that concerned my doctor. He told me during one visit that my blood pressure was "stroke-level high." His words terrified me. Wait - how could this be happening? He ordered an MRI and comprehensive bloodwork to check for any abnormalities. By this time, I was at my highest weight and had trouble laying still comfortably for the tests. (Typically, my scans are 45 minutes on my stomach on a hard plastic incline where you have to remain still for good images ) My stomach was so bloated and protruding that it was hard for them to position my body correctly to get accurate pictures of my breasts. The results showed something on my right breast that was concerning, and I was told to come back in 3 months for another test. In the meantime, I had comprehensive bloodwork done, and the results were, to be quite honest, frightening. My blood sugar was alarmingly high, along with my cholesterol and A1c. I was diagnosed immediately with type two diabetes. I was prescribed a high dosage of diabetes medication, as well as blood pressure medicine. I was told to come back in three months for a re-evaluation. At this point, I went into a depression and was angry at myself for allowing this to happen. I blamed myself. I truly felt trapped and helpless. 

Desperate and ready to try anything

Just at the right time, a friend seemed to be having a lot of success using a program I had not heard of, and I ended up asking her about it. I was desperate. Here I was, I beat cancer, and I would be damned if diabetes and high blood pressure were going to get me! I felt as if my weight was suffocating me, and I was actually scared that I could die. It seemed as though I had tried everything else to lose weight, and I thought that maybe this could help. 

Feeling better and headed toward health

After starting the program, I finally began feeling better and more in control. Before, I didn’t even want to weigh myself because looking at that number might ruin my day. I didn’t even take a before picture as I literally just could not look at myself. (The "before" pic in the photo was after I lost about 20 lbs. I couldn't even find a picture from before at my highest weight!) But after the first week and losing weight, I saw a light. I started to feel a glimmer of hope, and as I continued on the program, this grew stronger and stronger every day. And looking at myself in the mirror became easier and easier.


  • Down 121 pounds since I started one year ago! 

  • My wedding ring fits again!

  • I fit on an airplane!

  • I can sit comfortably to get a pedicure!

  • I can cross my legs again!

  • I can walk up the stairs without being out of breath!

Sharing this life-changing journey in hopes it can help others

Today, I feel amazing, and it shows in every aspect of my life, both personally and professionally! I finally feel alive. Our bodies are truly amazing and resilient, and I am just so thankful. I'm 9 pounds away from my final goal, but my true goal is to keep this weight off for good and to make those good choices for health and wellness that I can control. I am now almost off all medications for my diabetes and off my meds for blood pressure. I want to finally give myself grace and be able to live joyfully in the present and just love my family and friends without weight getting in my way. With each passing day, it gets easier and easier to share my story.

As you can imagine, this journey has been life-changing for me. I’m hoping that my story can help others. With all of the health challenges that I have gone through and battled, I know that I have the strength and resolve to make good choices, and I want to be able to share my experiences and help guide others. The program works. It just does.

It’s the complex emotional and mental aspect of weight that can really be the struggle.

I want to be here to help others regain their life back. I am thrilled to make it official and become a healthy living coach so I can help make a difference. Reach out if you're interested in getting help achieving your own weight-loss goals - I know that the right tools and encouragement can make all the difference in life. I can't wait to hear your story, and help you write the ending you're after...

Reach out today and get started on your own healthy journey - XOXO Anne

Work with Anne

Anne Ganguzza is California-based Voice Actor, Voiceover Coach, and award-winning Director & Producer specializing in target-marketed Voiceover Demo Production.

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