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Do you have a voice over backup plan?

Voice over 'till it's over

 In any industry, it's very important that you are conscious of staying on top of trends. You want to make sure that you are right on top of those trends or even ahead of those trends. So I would ask you this, what would happen if the opportunities in the voiceover industry dropped by 50% in the next five years? Would your business be prepared? Would you be prepared for that shift in the market? How will you be able to stay ahead of the market? To continue getting work you need to be flexible, you need to constantly research the industry.

They say the only constant, is change. What would you do if the voice-over industry shifted in a way you didn't expect? What if you suddenly lost half of your vo business? Are you thinking about what the future might hold? In this video, Anne gives us some strategies to help us diversify our VO portfolio.

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