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What's the best way to give a 2nd take on your voice over auditions?

If you're going to give a second voice over take, do this...

Today we're gonna talk about common mistakes when auditioning.

There are many common mistakes that I see over and over and over again from talent. So let's talk about those mist akes. Make sure when you're submitting an audition -- probably the most common mistake that I see is between poor audio from your studio and the wrong file name. So it seems very, very simple because you would think audition mistakes might be, you know, poor performance. But in reality, a lot of times when I get submissions for auditions, the audio from the studio is subpar. It is not up to broadcast quality audio. Enlist the help of an engineer, an audio engineer, um, your friends, and have them listen to your -- record something, have them listen to your studio sound, and make sure that that sound is pristine. Because nowadays we have no excuse to not have pristine audio, um, from a home studio where we don't have hiss, we don't have echo. Um, we shouldn't have anything, we shouldn't have lawnmowers. Um, we shouldn't have any kind of extraneous noises appearing in our audio.

In this video, Anne talks about some of the best practices for submitting 2nd takes in your VO auditions.

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