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What are the essential elements you need in your Voice over demo?

Make sure that there's a variety of emotions and styles in your demo.

So today I'm gonna talk to you about essential components for your voiceover demo.

So your voiceover demo is essentially your product, so you wanna make sure that you have some essential factors in there. Number one, make sure that you have a genre-focused demo. For example, if you want to sell to a commercial market, you wanna make sure you have a commercial demo. If you want to do corporate narration, you wanna make sure that you have a corporate narration demo. Animation, an animation demo; eLearning an eLearning demo. So number one, make sure that your genre is very specific and that your demo is targeted to that genre.

When you're shopping around for a demo producer, what should you be looking for? What are the elements that you need to make sure are in your demo? Every voiceover genre is unique and has its own needs. Make sure your demo has all the right parts.
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