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Updated Travel Rig for voice over on the GO!

I think I finally landed on my absolute favorite voice over setup...

I recently made an upgrade to my travel rig and I’m excited to share it with you.

Ok, so recently, I went on a business trip. First time in about three years, after the pandemic, and I wanted to upgrade my travel rig so that it would be convenient for me to record on the go. And I made the best discovery, and love love love my new audio interface. So, let me take a moment to go through my travel rig, which, by the way, prior to this, I think I tried every single microphone, every single audio interface, every single portable contraption that I could, to make things easy for me on the road, and I think I finally landed on my absolute favorite configuration. So, let’s start here.

Anne has updated her travel rig and couldn't be happier! Find out what's new in the mobile rig!

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