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Top 3 Tips for success in Voice over.

Voice over is a simple process

Today I want to give you my top three tips for being successful in voiceover.

Number one, voiceover is not just about your voice. Voice over is really about the business. So you have to be as engaged, you have to be as invested in your business as you have to be in just perfecting your voice or working on your performance. Because you could have the best voice in the world, but guess what, it doesn't do you any good if nobody knows about you to hire you. So you have to make sure that as a business you're out there marketing yourself and advertising yourself. You are a business that people can hire and as an entity that people can pay.

These top three tips are front and center, the most important things to remember when you're starting your journey into VO. There is a lot of advice out there, and things can get confusing. But if you remember these three important touchstones, you'll find it easier to stay focused and find success.

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