You don't have to sing, but you are musical.
Hey everyone today. I wanna talk to you about the musicality of your voice and why it's important.
So what do I mean about the musicality of your voice? Well, essentially when we speak, I like to consider my voice a musical instrument. So even though I'm speaking words, and I'm not singing, my voice is still musical in the way that I speak. Let's consider that your voice or my voice right now is just my conversational, Hey, I'm Anne. This is my conversational middle "C". So for my musicians, it's my conversational middle "C". And so when I'm just having a conversation, my voice inflects up and down and up and down.
You can use music theory and musical ideas to help improve your spoken word voiceover. In this video, Anne talks about how you can apply some simple musical techniques to your next VO job or audition.